Janeth George Laurean

Janeth George Laurean

Dr. Janeth George Laurean is an economist, university lecturer, and research consultant with over 12 years of experience in development interventions, project management, and evaluation. Dr. Laurean holds a Ph.D. in One Health Economics with a specific focus on the evaluation of health systems and designing cost-effective health interventions. She also has experience in food systems analysis, stakeholder mapping, livestock and livelihood studies, agricultural finances, agricultural innovations, and gender and knowledge integration. She has solid experience in designing research protocols, and survey instruments, managing data collection and processing, and data analysis including Spatiotemporal analysis.

In different capacities, she conducted several client-based assignments including baseline surveys, formative research to inform programming and project evaluations within and outside Tanzania.  As a project manager at different times, she served and interacted with a total of 10 multilateral agencies including DANIDA, KOICA, DFID, Swedish Cooperation, MFA, GIZ, FAO, WHO, and the Ethiopian Federal Government to mention a few.

Currently Janeth is a 

 Lecturer, Veterinary Economics | Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania
 Postdoctoral research fellow, One Health systems analysis| SACIDS Foundation for One Health, Tanzania

Education and Training

 PhD in One Health Economics, Sokoine University of Agriculture (2017-2021)
 Postgraduate Programme- Data Science and Business Analytics, University of Texas Austin (2021-2022)
 MSc in Economics, the Open University of Tanzania (2015-2017) 
 BSc Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, SokoineUniversity of Agriculture (2008-2011)
 Certificate in One Health Economics, Royal VeterinaryCollege, University of London, UK (2015)
 Certificate in Gender and development, Global Human RightsTraining Institute (2017)
 Short course in GIS, the Open University of Tanzania (2017) 
 Short course in Implementation Sciences, MUHAS in Collaboration with HAVARD and AAPH (2019)
 Short course in Implementation of Health Systems Interventions, MUHAS in Collaboration with HAVARD and AAPH (2019)
 Short course in Policy briefs writing and dissemination, MUHAS in collaboration with SIDA (2019)