Who we are

Why NGS Uganda Was Formed

NGS was established as a leading platform for Social Research, Innovations, Advocacy, and community capacity building for the socio-economic recovery and transformation of Northern Uganda especially in Acholi and West Nile sub-regions. NGS intervention aims at empowering women, youth, and other target groups to make informed decisions by improving the quality of their lives through enhancing their knowledge and skills for socio-economic transformation.

Geographically, Northern Uganda has persistently lagged in development. The National aspiration of the Government of Uganda is to transform the country into middle-income status by the year 2040 as enshrined in the various Policy documents and especially the National Development Plan III. However, the fight against Poverty and Inequality also faces challenges at multiple fronts key among which include the limited availability of evidence-based and context-appropriate solutions and limited transparency and commitment, especially among duty bearers, among others.

The greatest socio-economic disparities noted point towards women and youth. Despite being the majority, they still face varying problems including the inability to own or access land, lack of affordable financing for agribusiness start-ups as well as the lack of technical know-how to be effectively employed in the job sector. Youth unemployment rates are very high forcing them to engage in crime and other anti-social behaviours as a way of survival. This high unemployment rate has been attributed to among others redundant skills that are not relevant to the needs of the labour market.

Whereas women make up the majority (51%) of the Ugandan population, yet they play a secondary role to men in most aspects of social, economic, and political life. Despite progress in recent years, particularly in political and decision-making arenas, women still sit on the less favorable side of the gender gap. Pervasive gender inequalities including women’s limited share in wage employment in non-agricultural sectors, lack of control of productive resources like land, exposure to sexual and gender-based violence, educational inequalities, and limited participation in household and community decision-making, are among some factors contributing to the gender gap. Other factors contributing to the gender gap are attributed to many women and youth’s lacking self-worth, being intimidated, timid, and unable to speak about critical matters that depict the real needs of their communities, which further distances them from participating and benefiting from public meetings and development programs.

Our Vision

NGS envisions a peaceful, informed, and economically empowered society in Northern Uganda able to effectively participate and contribute to National Development.

Our Mission

To conduct and promote research, innovations, advocacy, and community capacity building for holistic transformation of Northern Uganda through Programmes primarily targeting women and youth

Our Principles and Values

NGS will be guided by the following core values, which are fundamental beliefs and guiding principles of the company.
Love, Integrity, Professionalism, Justice, Innovation, Compassion, and Humility.

Our Approach and Philosophy

NGS Programming is strongly underpinned by the principles of 1) Localization i.e. our programme designs are context-specific, evidence-based, and cost-effective, and 2) Inclusive Development which on the other hand posits Diversity mainstreaming (Age, Gender, vulnerability etc) in Programme development. Our current Programme areas include: 1) Livelihood and Social Security, 2) Environment and Climate Justice, 3) Social Accountability, 4) Gender Justice, 5) ICT and Renewable Energy and 6) Institutional Development & Sustainability

Legal Status

NGS Uganda is registered as a company limited by guarantee with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau with Reg No: 80020003254413. The organization is further registered as an Indigenous NGO with the National Bureau of NGOs on 21st September, 2022 with Reg.No: 6595 and operational Permit No: 7901.