Gender Justice

Gender Justice

Portfolio Description

Although Gender equality is enshrined in Uganda’s constitution, the deep socio-cultural barriers manifesting through  gender-related norms, perceptions and practices continue to ensure that women’s and men’s opportunities remain unequal. In spite of progress in recent years, particularly in political and decision-making arenas, women still sit on the less favourable side of the gender gap. Pervasive gender inequalities include women’s limited share in wage employment in non-agricultural sectors, lack of control of productive resources like land, exposure to sexual and gender-based violence, educational inequalities with men, and limited participation in household and community decision-making all contribute to  keeping women in structurally vulnerable situations. Gender inequality is a social injustice. It is one of the key barriers to eradicating Poverty.

The strategic focus of NGS in this programme will be to contribute towards narrowing the gender gap focusing on two major priority areas that include: 1) Addressing the rampant challenge of teenage pregnancies and early marriages in Northern Uganda including mitigating its associated impacts on Adolescent Girls and Young Women and 2) NGS will also focus on strengthening land rights awareness and protection programmes with a focus on promoting land rights of women and girls and other indigents in the communities of Northern Uganda.