
The Executive Director NGS Mrs. Okusia Jennifer explaining to Land Rights Defenders Dragon Fruit Growing. The Dragon Fruit Centre in Gulu City has been established as a Centre of excellence for learning and propagation of quality seedlings under the SEAL (Saving the Environment through Alternative Livelihoods) Project funded by Hanns Seidel Foundation


NGS is Conducting Community Awareness Sessions on Land Rights and Land Legislation in Koch Goma Sub-county, Nwoya District

NGS envisions A peaceful, informed, and economically empowered society in Northern Uganda able to effectively participate and contribute to National Development.” While the Constitution of Uganda guarantees the land rights of women, youth, and other vulnerable groups, it is not being realized by this group. A baseline study conducted by...

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Saving the Environment through Alternative Livelihoods (SEAL Project) Establishment of a Learning Center for the Demonstration and Propagation of Dragon Fruit Farming in Gulu – Northern Uganda.

  Northlight Green Services (NGS) in partnership and Hanns Siedel Foundation – Kenya, through funding from The Global Project on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (GMACC),  established a learning site of dragon fruit farming and cultivar multiplication, integrated with other creative Climate Smart Practices including permaculture, resilience design among...