SEAL Project
Saving the Environment through Alternative Livelihoods (SEAL Project) Establishment of a Learning Center for the Demonstration and Propagation of Dragon Fruit Farming in Gulu – Northern Uganda.

Project: Strengthening Women and Youth Land Rights in Koch
Goma Sub-County, Nwoya District, Acholi Sub-region.
Northlight Green Services (NGS Uganda), with funding support from Bruder und Schwester
in Not-Diocese Innsbruck (BSIN) and Dreikönigsaktion Hilfswerk der Katholischen Jungschar
(DKA Austria) is implementing a one-year pilot project titled “strengthening women and youth
land rights in Koch Goma Sub-County, Nwoya District, Acholi Sub-region“ in Ama and
Agonga Parishes of Koch Goma Sub-county, Nwoya District. The project will be implemented
from 01st July 2024 to 31st May 2025. A Pre-project phase was funded by BSIN to conduct a
baseline study and finalize the project logframe and proposal among others.